Printers and Fonts Kit(3.1) (pfk31qh.hlp) (Topic list)
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typedef tagPFMEXTENSION {
    WORD  dfSizeFields;
    DWORD dfExtMetricsOffset;
    DWORD dfExtentTable;
    DWORD dfOriginTable;
    DWORD dfPairKernTable;
    DWORD dfTrackKernTable;
    DWORD dfDriverInfo;
    DWORD dfReserved;
The PFMEXTENSION structure contains extended information for printer fonts.
Member              Description
dfSizeFields        Specifies the size (in bytes) of this structure.
dfExtMetricsOffset  Specifies the byte offset in the file to the
                    EXTTEXTMETRIC structure for the given font.
dfExtentTable       Specifies the byte offset in the file to the extent
                    table. The size of the table is dfLastChar -
                    dfFirstChar + 1 WORD. The extent table contains the
                    unscaled widths (in 1/1000's of an em) of the characters
                    in the font.
dfOriginTable       Specifies the byte offset in the file to the table of
                    character origins. The size of the table is dfLastChar -
                    dfFirstChar + 1 WORD. For screen-font files, this table
                    gives the signed amount of left adjustment to add to the
                    current position before drawing the characters. Negative
                    values indicate left movement; positive values indicate
                    right movement. This should be NULL for PFM files.
dfPairKernTable     Specifies the byte offset in the file to the optional
                    pair-kerning table should be NULL if no kerning pairs
                    are defined for this font. The size of the table is
                    given by the etmKernPairs member of the EXTTEXTMETRIC
dfTrackKernTable    Specifies the byte offset in the file to the optional
                    track-kerning table. This should be NULL if no kerning
                    tracks are defined for this font. The size of the table
                    is given by the etmKernTracks member of the
                    EXTTEXTMETRIC structure.
dfDriverInfo        Specifies the byte offset in the file to additional
                    driver-specific information. Each driver writer is
                    responsible for documenting the format of the data
                    pointed to by this member. These formats will be made
                    public so that third parties that want to create
                    compatible printer font metrics files may do so.
dfReserved          Reserved; must be zero.