Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Arg Function
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Arg («arg»)
     Begin an argument to a function or begin a selection.
     After you execute Arg, PWB displays 'Arg[1]' on the status bar.
     Each time you execute Arg, PWB increments the Arg count.
     PWB functions perform variations of their action depending on the
     Arg count and the "Meta state". You can use the Meta and Arg
     function prefixes in any order.
     See: Meta
     To select text or create a function argument:
       ■  Execute Arg («arg»).
       ■  Execute a cursor-movement function.
          Hold down the SHIFT key and click the left mouse button.
     PWB creates a stream, box, or line selection based on the current
     selection mode. A selection in each of these modes creates a
     function argument called "streamarg," "boxarg," and "linearg,"
     See: Selection Modes (Defined)
     To create a textarg:
       ■  Execute Arg («arg»).
       ■  Type the text of the argument.
     When you type the first character of argument, PWB displays the
     Text Argument dialog box where you can enter the textarg without
     modifying your file. The Text Argument dialog box does not have an
     OK button: instead, you execute the function to which you are
     passing the textarg. Choose Cancel to save the text argument and
     do nothing.
     To 'pick up' text from a window:
       1. Select the text that you want to use in the Text Argument
          dialog box.
       2. Execute Lasttext («lasttext»).
          PWB copies the selected text into the text argument dialog
     To cancel an argument or selection:
       ■  Execute Cancel («cancel»)
     The return value of Arg cannot be tested.
     Cancel, Lastselect, Lasttext, Meta, Prompt
     Selection Modes (Defined)