Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window Menu, <n> <file> Command
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     Window menu, <n> <file> command
     <n>       Window number <n>.
     <file>    Current file in the window.
     Up to nine windows are listed in the Window menu by number and by
     the name of the current file in the window. To switch to a window,
     choose it from the menu.
     Each command in the window list corresponds to a predefined macro
     from the following table:
     Macro         Key               Macro         Key
     _pwbwindow1   «_pwbwindow1    » _pwbwindow6   «_pwbwindow6»
     _pwbwindow2   «_pwbwindow2    » _pwbwindow7   «_pwbwindow7»
     _pwbwindow3   «_pwbwindow3    » _pwbwindow8   «_pwbwindow8»
     _pwbwindow4   «_pwbwindow4    » _pwbwindow9   «_pwbwindow9»
     _pwbwindow5   «_pwbwindow5    »
     See: Predefined PWB Macros _pwbwindow<n>
     When more windows are open than can be listed in the menu, PWB adds
     the All Windows command to the Window menu. This command displays a
     dialog box that allows you to switch to any open window.
     See: Window menu, All Windows