Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Mark Function
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The Mark function moves the cursor to a mark or specific location,
     defines marks, and deletes marks.
     NOTE: You cannot set a mark at specific text in a PWB window
           such as Help; PWB marks only the window position.
     If you want to save marks between sessions, assign a filename to
     the Markfile switch or use the Set Mark File command on the Search
     See: Markfile, Search menu, Set Mark File
     Mark («mark»)
          Moves the cursor to the beginning of the file.
     Arg Mark («arg» «mark»)
          Restores the cursor to its location prior to the last window
          TIP: Use Arg Mark to return to your previous location after a
               search or other large jump.
     Arg number Mark («arg» number «mark»)
          Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line specified by
          <number> in the current file. Line numbering starts at 1.
     Arg <textarg> Mark («arg» <textarg> «mark»)
          Moves the cursor to the specified mark.
     Arg Arg <textarg> Mark («arg» «arg» <textarg> «mark»)
          Defines a mark at the cursor position. The name of the mark
          is specified by <textarg>.
     Arg Arg <textarg> Meta Mark («arg» «arg» <textarg> «meta» «mark»)
          Deletes the specified mark. This form of the Mark function
          always returns true.
     True:  Move, definition, or deletion successful.
     False: Invalid argument or mark not found.
     Markfile, Restcur, Savecur, Selcur