Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Error
     Error reading project makefile line <number>
     A request was made to open a project for a PWB makefile, but PWB
     was unable to recognize the file as a PWB makefile. The indicated
     line is in error.
     PWB produces this error for makefiles modified by a text editor
     that appends a control-Z character (an end-of-file mark) to its
     files. You can tell that this has happened if the line in error is
     the last line in the makefile and the line contains a control-Z
     character. This is a small right-pointing arrow when you view the
     file in PWB.
     To work around this situation and to allow you to continue using
     that editor to modify the makefile, insert the PWB separator
     comment before the control-Z character.
     See: User Part of a PWB Makefile
     If the file is not a PWB makefile or you have modified it such that
     PWB can no longer recognize it as a PWB makefile, you can use it as
     a non-PWB project makefile.
     See: Using Non-PWB Makefiles
     To open a non-PWB project makefile:
       ■  When you open the project, turn on the Use as a Non-PWB
          Makefile check box in the Open Project dialog box.
       ■  Use the Meta <textarg> Project form of the Project function.