Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Changed PWB Functions
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The following functions have changed from PWB 1.x to PWB 2.00:
     Function         Description
     Assign         Accepts all arguments; recognizes line continuations
     Backtab        Variable tab stops
     Environment    Arg ? Environment obsolete
     Information    Obsolete
     Mword          Customizable word definition (see Word)
     Nextmsg        Obsolete window open/close operation, obsolete
                      message clearing
     Pbal           Displays in a message box
     Pword          Customizable word definition (see Word)
     Tab            Variable tab stops
     Tell           Displays prompt and result in dialog boxes
     Window         Old window splits now create new windows
     Winstyle       No-border state obsolete
     New PWB Switches
     Changed PWB Switches
     New PWB Functions