Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Projects
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     PWB uses the concept of a "project" to manage the files, commands,
     and options involved in compiling files and building the resulting
     target. A project consists of a list of files and the commands to
     convert those files into the result.
     There is always a project in PWB. When no explicit project is open,
     there is the "implicit project."
     Implicit Projects
     For an implicit project, the list of files is the current file.
     The set of commands and options is contained in the current
     project template. Therefore, you must choose a project template
     before you can compile a file or build a single-module program.
     See: Set Project Template
          What is a Project Template?
     PWB directly executes the commands to compile a single file. To
     build an implicit project, PWB creates a temporary makefile to pass
     to NMAKE. PWB deletes the temporary makefile after you build the
     Explicit Projects
     To handle more than one source file or to keep options across PWB
     sessions, you create an explicit project. For an explicit project,
     the information is maintained in two files:
     Project Makefile  <project>.MAK
          Contains the NMAKE instructions to build the project in its
          current configuration.
     Project Status File  <project>.STS
          Contains the environment table, editor state, debugger state,
          project state, and current project template.
     To create a project, choose New Project from the Project menu. You
     select a project template and build the list of files in the New
     Project dialog box.
     See: Project menu, New Project
     To open a project, specify the name of the project makefile in
     the Open Project dialog box. The extension .MAK is assumed.
     See: Project menu, Open Project
          Using Non-PWB Makefiles
     To build projects outside of PWB, be sure to set both of the
     Envcursave and Envprojsave switches to No, or make sure that the
     environment variables within PWB and outside PWB are the same.
     See: Envcursave, Envprojsave
          Options menu, Environment Variables
     Managing Large Projects
     Using Projects without PWB Extensions