Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Entering Tab Characters
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     By default, the TAB key is assigned the Tab function──a cursor-
     movement function. To use the TAB key to type tab characters,
     assign the Graphic function to the TAB key.
     See: Graphic, Tab
     If you assign the Graphic function to the TAB key, you still can't
     use the TAB key to type a tab character in a dialog box. PWB
     reserves all forms of the TAB key for navigating within dialog
     boxes. To use a key to type a tab character, even in a dialog box,
     you can use the following settings in TOOLS.INI:
          TabChar:="\t"      ;Types a single tab
          TabChar:CTRL+`     ;Key above TAB (on many keyboards)
     You may find one of these techniques useful, but they are usually
     unnecessary because PWB allows you to enter a TAB character
     To enter a tab character into a dialog box or file:
       1. Execute the Quote function («quote»)
       2. Press TAB
     PWB enters a literal tab character at the cursor. If you are in a
     dialog box, PWB displays a character that looks like an open
     circle. The Quote function can also be used to type other control
     See: Quote
     How Tabs are Displayed
     Inserting ASCII Characters
     Making a Keystroke Literal