Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Project Templates (Runtime Support: None)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The PWBUTILS extension provides the following project templates.
     These templates are listed when 'None' is the selected Runtime
     Support option. Each template is listed with a brief description
     of the resulting target file and any special considerations for
     using the template.
     Most of these templates do not automatically supply run-time
     libraries or object files for the project. You must explicitly add
     the correct libraries to the project file list.
     Generic Options
          Builds the default target assumed by tools in the build
          This template provides no explicit options and adds no
          explicit run-time libraries. The effect is to use the default
          options assumed by every tool in the build process. This
          template is the most generic starting point for a project.
     DOS EXE
          Creates a standard MS-DOS executable file.
     DOS Overlaid EXE
          Creates an MS-DOS .EXE file that uses the Microsoft Overlaid
          Virtual Environment (MOVE). You cannot create a PWB project
          for an overlaid program that uses the Microsoft Static Overlay
          Manager supported by older versions of the linker. You must
          use a non-PWB project for programs that use static overlays.
          The project file list must contain a module-definition (.DEF)
          file in addition to the source files for the project. The
          module-definition file specifies the layout of overlays in the
          This template assumes that you have the MOVE libraries in a
          directory in the LIB environment variable.
          See: Creating Overlaid DOS Programs
     DOS p-code EXE
          Creates an MS-DOS .EXE file that is compiled to p-code rather
          than native machine code. The p-code interpreter is
          automatically linked into the program.
          See: MPC, P-Code
     DOS COM
          Creates an MS-DOS .COM file. This is a tiny model program with
          the extension .COM.
          Do not change the memory model for this template. If your
          program grows too large for a tiny model, you must change the
          the target to an .EXE file. The simplest way to do this is to
          reset the project template to the DOS EXE template (note that
          this overrides all options that you have set for the
          When you change the project to build an MS-DOS .EXE file,
          make sure to delete any previously built .COM file.
          Otherwise, MS-DOS runs the old project.COM file when you
          attempt to run the program.
          Creates a library of object modules.
          The project file list contains the sources for the object
          modules in the library.
          To set options for the LIB utility, open the Options menu and
          choose the Customize Project Template command from the Project
          Templates cascaded menu. In the Customize Project Template
          dialog box, define one or more of the following build macros:
          Macro          Description
          LIBFLAGS_G     LIB options for all builds
          LIBFLAGS_R     LIB options for release builds
          LIBFLAGS_D     LIB options for debug builds
          The LIBFLAGS macros are not predefined in the template. The
          LFLAGS macros in the template are for LINK, not LIB, and are
          ignored in a library build.
          See: Build:macro
          TIP: NMAKE targets to build executable files for testing the
               library can be added to the user section of the makefile.
               See: User Part of a PWB Makefile
     Windows EXE
          Creates a Microsoft Windows application.
          For all Windows templates (except for the QuickWin template),
          you can include source files, Resource Compiler source (.RC)
          and resource (.RES) files, and one module-definition (.DEF)
          file in the project file list.
     Windows QuickWin EXE
          Creates a Windows application from an otherwise MS-DOS program
          by including the Microsoft QuickWin library.
          A QuickWin EXE is an MS-DOS program with a limited Windows
          user interface. The interface includes a standard menu bar, a
          Windows Help for the QuickWin features, and a client (or
          application) window with a child (document) window for the C
          input/output streams, stdin, stdout, and stderr.
          See: Compile for QuickWin (/Mq)
     Windows P-Code EXE
          Creates a Windows application compiled for p-code.
          See: MPC, P-Code
     Windows DLL
          Creates a Windows dynamic-link library (DLL).
     DOS PWB Extension
          Creates a PWB extension (.MXT) file.
          See: Writing PWB Extensions