qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 13H Function 1AH
   Summary  Notes  Back
  Description:  Format ESDI Drive      [PS/2]
  Initializes disk sector and track address fields on a drive attached to the
  ESDI Fixed Disk Drive Adapter/A.
  Input                                        Output
  ════════════════════════════════════         ═════════════════════════════
  AH=1AH                                       If function successful
  AL=relative block address                    Carry flag=clear
      (RBA) defect table count                 AH=00H
     0 if no RBA table                         If function unsuccessful
     >0 if RBA table used                      Carry flag=set
  CL=format modifier bits                      AH=status
     Bit(s)     Significance (if set)             (see Int 13H Function 01H)
     ══════     ══════════════════════
     0          ignore primary
                defect map
     1          ignore secondary
                defect map
     2          update secondary
                defect map (see Notes)
     3          perform extended
                surface analysis
     4          generate periodic
                interrupt (see Notes)
     5-7        reserved (must be 0)
     80H-FFH fixed disk
  ES:BX=segment:offset of RBA table