qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 15H Function 02H
   Summary  Notes  Back
  Description:  Read Cassette      [PC]
  Reads one or more 256-byte blocks of data from the cassette tape drive to
  Input                                     Output
  ══════════════════════════════            ════════════════════════════════
  AH=02H                                    If function successful
  CX=number of bytes to read                Carry flag=clear
  ES:BX=segment:offset of buffer            DX=number of bytes actually read
                                            ES:BX=segment:offset + 1 of
                                                  last byte read
                                            If function unsuccessful
                                            Carry flag=set
                                               01H if CRC error
                                               02H if bit signals scrambled
                                               04H if no data found
                                               80H if invalid command
                                               86H if cassette not present