qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 29H
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Parse Filename
  Parses a text string into the various fields of a file control block
  Input                                      Output
  ═════════════════════════════════════      ══════════════════════════════
  AH=29H                                     AL=00H  if no wildcard char-
  AL=flags to control parsing                         acters encountered
     Bit 3=1  if the extension field in
              FCB will be modified only         01H  if parsed string con-
              if an extension is speci-               tained wildcard
              fied in the string being                characters
          =0  if the extension field in
              FCB will be modified re-          FFH  if drive specifier
              gardless; if no extension               invalid
              is present in the parsed
              string, FCB extension is       DS:SI=segment:offset of
              set to ASCII blanks.                 first character after
     Bit 2=1  if the filename field in             parsed filename
              FCB will be modified only
              if a filename is specified     ES:DI=segment:offset of
              in the string being parsed.          formatted unopened
          =0  if the filename field in             file control block
              FCB will be modified regard-
              less; if no filename is pre-
              sent in the parsed string,
              FCB filename is set to ASCII
     Bit 1=1  if the drive ID byte in FCB
              will be modified only if a
              drive was specified in the
              string being parsed.
          =0  if the drive ID byte in FCB
              will be modified regardless;
              if no drive specifier is pre-
              sent in the parsed
              string, FCB drive-code field
              is set to 0 (default).
     Bit 0=1  if the leading separators will
              be scanned off (ignored).
          =0  if the leading separators will
              not be scanned off.
  DS:SI=segment:offset of text string
  ES:DI=segment:offset of file controlblock