qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 30H
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
  Description:  Get MS-DOS Version Number
  Returns the version number of the host MS-DOS operating system. This
  function is used by application programs to determine the capabilities
  of their environment.
  Input             Output
  ══════            ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════
  AH=30H            If running under MS-DOS version 1
  AL=00H            If running under MS-DOS version 2.0 and later
                    AL=major version number (MS-DOS 3.1 = 3, etc.)
                    AH=minor version number (MS-DOS 3.1 = 0AH, etc.)
                    BH=Original Equipment Manufacturer's (OEM's) serial
                       number (OEM dependent--usually 00H for IBM's
                       PC-DOS, 0FFH or other values for MS-DOS)
                    BL:CX=24-bit user serial number (optional, OEM