qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 5FH Subfunction 03H
   Summary  Notes  Back
  Description:  Redirect Device     DOS 3.1 Only
  Establishes redirection across the network by associating a local device
  name with a network name. This function call is available only when
  Microsoft Networks is running and the file-sharing module (SHARE.EXE) has
  been loaded.
  Input                                     Output
  ══════════════════════════════            ══════════════════════════════
  AH=5FH                                    If function successful
  AL=03H                                    Carry flag=clear
  BL=device type                            If function unsuccessful
     03H  if printer                        Carry flag=set
     04H  if drive                          AX=error code
  CX=parameter to save for caller
  DS:SI=segment:offset of ASCIIZ
   local device name
  ES:DI=segment:offset of ASCIIZ
   network name, followed by
   ASCIIZ password