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;* ClearBox - Clears portion of screen with specified fill attribute.
;* Shows:   BIOS Interrupt - 10h, Function 6 (Initialize or Scroll Up Window)
;* Params:  attr - Fill attribute
;*          row1 - Top screen row of cleared section
;*          col1 - Left column of cleared section
;*          row2 - Bottom screen row of cleared section
;*          col2 - Right column of cleared section
;* Return:  None
ClearBox PROC \
        attr:WORD, row1:WORD, col1:WORD, row2:WORD, col2:WORD
        mov     ax, 0600h               ; Scroll service
        mov     bh, BYTE PTR attr       ; BH = fill attribute
        mov     ch, BYTE PTR row1       ; CH = top row of clear area
        mov     cl, BYTE PTR col1       ; CL = left column
        mov     dh, BYTE PTR row2       ; DH = bottom row of clear area
        mov     dl, BYTE PTR col2       ; DL = right column
        int     10h                     ; Clear screen by scrolling up
ClearBox ENDP