qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
   Summary  Detail  Key to Flags
Make Stack Frame                                 Flags:  O D I T S Z A P C
80186/286/386 Only                                       ═════════════════
Syntax:  ENTER bytes,nesting
  Creates a stack frame for a procedure that receives parameters passed on
  the stack. The BP register is pushed and BP is set as the stack
  frame through which parameters and local variables can be accessed. The
  first operand of the ENTER instruction specifies the number of bytes
  to reserve for local variables. The second operand specifies the nesting
  level for the procedure. The nesting level should be 0 for languages that
  do not allow access to local variables of higher level procedures (such as
  C, BASIC, and FORTRAN). See the complementary instruction LEAVE for a
  method of exiting from a procedure.