qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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;* GetKeyClock - Waits for keypress while updating time at specified location
;* on screen.
;* Shows:   BIOS Interrupt - 16h, Functions 0 and 10h (Read Character)
;*                           16h, Functions 1 and 11h (Get Keyboard Status)
;*          DOS Functions - 2Ah (Get Date)
;*                          2Ch (Get Time)
;* Uses:    vconfig - Video configuration structure, declared in the
;*          DEMO.INC include file. The structure must first be
;*          initialized by calling the GetVidConfig procedure.
;* Params:  row - Screen row for clock display
;*          col - Screen column for clock display
;* Return:  Short integer with key scan code in high byte and ASCII
;*          character code in low byte. Low byte is 0 for special
;*          keys (such as the "F" keys) which don't generate characters.
        PUBLIC datestr
datestr DB      '  -  -     :  :  ', 0  ; Date/time string
        EXTRN StrWrite:PROC
GetKeyClock PROC \
        row:WORD, col:WORD
        LOCAL   service:BYTE
        call    GetShift                ; Check for extended keyboard
        mov     service, 11h            ; Request for Function 11h
        cmp     dx, 1                   ; Extended keyboard available?
        je      key1                    ; Yes?  Set AH appropriately
        mov     service, 1              ; No? Set AH for Function 1
key1:   mov     ah, service
        int     16h                     ; Check if Key is Ready
        jnz     exit                    ; Ready?  Exit procedure
                                        ; Not ready?  Check text mode
        cmp     vconfig.mode, 7         ; Monochrome text mode?
        je      @F                      ; Yes?  Continue
        cmp     vconfig.mode, 3         ; Color text mode?
        je      @F                      ; Yes?  Continue
        cmp     vconfig.mode, 2         ; Black/white?
        jne     key1                    ; No?  Skip clock update and
                                        ;   poll keyboard again
; If 80-column text, get date and time from DOS before again polling keyboard,
; and display at upper right corner of screen.
@@:     mov     ah, 2Ch                 ; Request time
        int     21h                     ; Get Time
        mov     dl, dh
        push    dx                      ; Save seconds,
        push    cx                      ;   minutes,
        mov     cl, ch                  ;   and
        push    cx                      ;   hours
        mov     ah, 2Ah                 ; Request date
        int     21h                     ; Get Date
        sub     cx, 1900                ; Subtract century, CL = year
        push    cx                      ; Save year,
        push    dx                      ;   day,
        mov     dl, dh                  ;   and
        push    dx                      ;   month
        mov     cx, 6
        sub     bx, bx
loop1:  pop     ax                      ; Recover all 6 numbers in AL
        aam                             ; Convert to unpacked BCD
        xchg    al, ah                  ; Switch bytes for word move
        or      ax, '00'                ; Make ASCII numerals
        mov     WORD PTR datestr[bx], ax; Copy to string
        add     bx, 3                   ;   at every third byte
        loop    loop1
        DispText row, col, <OFFSET datestr>
        jmp     key1                    ; Loop again for keypress
exit:   mov     ah, service             ; 1 or 11h, depending on keybd
        dec     ah                      ; Set AH to 0 or 10h
        int     16h                     ; Get key to remove it from
        ret                             ;   keyboard buffer
GetKeyClock ENDP