qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
LOCAL (in procedures)
   Directive Summary  Summary  Example  LOCAL in Macros
  Syntax:  LOCAL vardef [,vardef]...
  Generates code to create a series of one or more stack (automatic)
  variables, which can be accessed only within the current procedure.
  The assembler uses the same method used by high-level languages
  to create local variables. The .MODEL directive must have previously
  used with a langtype argument.
  Each vardef takes the following syntax:
  in which name is the name of the variable, count is an optional
  parameter (which must appear in brackets if it is used), and
  type is a standard data type which can be preceeded by PTR,
  Once declared in a LOCAL statement, local variables can be referred
  to by name. The assembler translates references to these variables
  into references to their actual location on the stack.
  See Also:  PROC