qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
   Summary  Detail  Example  Key to Flags
Loop If                                          Flags:  O D I T S Z A P C
Syntax:  LOOPE label
         LOOPNE label
  Loops repeatedly to a specified label if condition is met and if CX
  is not 0. The instruction decrements CX (without changing any flags)
  and tests to see if the zero flag was set by a previous instruction
  (such as CMP). With LOOPE and LOOPZ (they are synonyms),
  execution is transferred to the label if the zero flag is set and CX
  is not 0. With LOOPNE and LOOPNZ (they are synonyms), execution
  is transferred to the label if the zero flag is cleared and CX is
  not 0. Execution continues at the next instruction if the condition is
  not met. Before entering the loop, CX should be set to the maximum
  number of repetitions desired.