qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
   Summary  Detail  Example  Key to Flags
Move String Data                                 Flags:  O D I T S Z A P C
Syntax:  MOVS dest,src
  Moves a string from one area of memory to another. The source string
  must be pointed to by DS:SI and the destination address must be
  pointed to by ES:DI (even if operands are given). For each ele-
  ment moved, DI and SI are adjusted according to the size of the
  operands and the status of the direction flag. They are increased if
  the direction flag has been cleared with CLD, or decreased if the
  direction flag has been set with STD.
  If the MOVS form of the instruction is used, operands must be provided
  to indicate the size of the data elements to be processed.  A segment
  override can be given for the source operand (but not for the
  destination).  If MOVSB (bytes) or MOVSW (words) is used, the
  instruction determines the size of the data elements to be processed.
  Operands are not allowed in MOVSB or MOVSW.
  MOVS and its variations are usually used with the REP prefix.
  Before a move using a repeat prefix, CX should contain the number
  of elements to move.