qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Regular Expressions
   Regular Expressions  Contents  Index
              Special Characters in Regular Expressions
Period       .   Matches any single character.
Caret        ^   Matches text at the beginning of a line.
Dollar sign  $   Matches text at the end of a line. The dollar
                 sign must appear at the end of the text.
Asterisk     *   Matches zero or more repetitions of the
                 character preceding the asterisk.
Brackets    [ ]  Matches sets of the characters specified
                 within the brackets.
                 Caret ^  Matches any character EXCEPT those
                          specified within the brackets. It must be
                          the first character within the brackets.
                 Dash  -  Matches characters in the ASCII order
                          between the characters on either side,
Backslash   \    Removes special meaning from next character.