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;* Declare structure for video configuration
;* Shows:   STRUC    ENDS    COMM
vid_config      STRUC
  mode          DB      ?               ; Current mode
  dpage         DB      ?               ; Current display page
  rows          DB      ?               ; Number of display rows - 1
  display       DB      ?               ; Either MONO or COLOR
  adapter       DB      ?               ; Adapter code
  CGAvalue      DB      ?               ; Enable value for CGA
  sgmnt         DW      ?               ; Video segment with page offset
vid_config      ENDS
;* Declare communal variables.
        COMM    NEAR vconfig:vid_config ; Video configuration structure
        COMM    NEAR _psp:WORD          ; Segment of Pgm Segment Prefix
        COMM    NEAR _env:WORD          ; Segment of environment block