qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 11H
   Summary  Notes  Back
▀ Use Int 21H Function 1AH to set the DTA to point to a buffer of ade-
  quate size before using this function call.
▀ The wildcard character ? is allowed in the filename in all versions of
  MS-DOS. In versions 3.0 and later, the wildcard character * may also be
  used in a filename. If ? or * is used, this function returns the first
  matching filename.
▀ An extended FCB must be used to search for files that have the system,
  hidden, read-only, directory, or volume-label attributes.
▀ If an extended FCB is used, its attribute byte determines the type of
  search that will be performed. If the attribute byte (byte 0) contains
  00H, only ordinary files are found. If the volume-label attribute bit
  is set, only volume labels will be returned (if any are present). If
  any other attribute or combination of attributes is set (such as
  hidden, system, or read-only), those files and all ordinary files will
  be matched.
▀ Int 21H Function 4EH, which allows full access to the hierarchical
  directory structure, should be used in preference to this function.