qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 42H
   Summary  Notes  Example  Back
▀ This function uses a method code and a double-precision (32-bit) value to
  set the file pointer. The next record read or written in the file will
  begin at the new file pointer location.
▀ Method 02H may be used to find the size of the file by calling Int 21H
  Function 42H with an offset of 0 and examining the pointer location that
  is returned.
▀ Using methods 01H or 02H, it is possible to set the file pointer to a
  location that is before the start of file. If this is done, no error is
  returned by this function, but an error will be encountered upon a subse-
  quent attempt to read or write the file.
▀ No matter what method is used in the call to this function, the file
  pointer returned in DX:AX is always the resulting absolute byte offset
  from the start of file.