qa.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Int 21H Function 6CH
   Summary  Notes  Back
▀ The function fails if:
  - any element of the pathname does not exist.
  - the file is being created in the root directory and the root directory
    is full.
  - the file is being created and a file with the same name and the read-
    only attribute already exists in the specified directory.
  - the program is running on a network and the user running the program
    has insufficient access rights.
▀ A file is usually given a normal (0) attribute when it is created.
▀ The file's attribute can subsequently be modified with Int 21H Function
  43H. This function combines the capabilities of Int 21H Functions 3CH,
  3DH, and 5BH. It was added to MS-DOS for compatibility with the DosOpen
  function of OS/2.