qb45qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
How to Use QB Advisor Help System
Survival Guide   How to Use QB Advisor Help   Contents   Index
  Tip: The Reference Bar at the bottom of the screen always contains help
       about the most useful commands in each QuickBASIC context.
QB Advisor help text is available about the BASIC language at all times.
Action                 With a mouse...             With a keyboard...
Get help on a BASIC    Move the mouse cursor       Move the cursor to the
keyword from your      to the keyword and click    keyword and press F1.
program text.          the right mouse button.
To get help on a       Move the mouse cursor       Move the cursor to the
program object         to the symbol and click     symbol and press F1.
(a variable, a         the right mouse button.
procedure, etc.)
from your program
To get help on other   Move the mouse cursor       Repeatedly press TAB or
topics.                to the hyperlink for        the key that corresponds
                       that topic and click        to the first letter in
                       the right mouse button.     the hyperlink until the
                                                   cursor moves into the
                                                   hyperlink you want. Then
                                                   press F1.
To retrace a path                                  Repeatedly press ALT+F1
of hyperlinks                                      until the contents of
you chose                                          the Help window are
                                                   restored to what you need.
On-line help is also available about items in the QuickBASIC environment:
menus, commands, dialog boxes (including error message dialog boxes).
Action                 With a mouse...             With a keyboard...
Get help on a menu.                                Select the menu name from
                                                   the menu bar and press F1.
Get help on a                                      Select the command and
command.                                           press F1.
Get help on a          Move the mouse cursor to    Press F1.
dialog box.            the <Help> button within
                       the dialog box and click
                       the left mouse button.