qbasic.hlp (Topic list)
DRAW Statement
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Draws an object.
DRAW commandstring$
    ■ commandstring$    A string expression that contains one or more of
                        the following DRAW commands.
      Line-drawing and cursor-movement commands:
        D[n%]            Moves cursor down n% units.
        E[n%]            Moves cursor up and right n% units.
        F[n%]            Moves cursor down and right n% units.
        G[n%]            Moves cursor down and left n% units.
        H[n%]            Moves cursor up and left n% units.
        L[n%]            Moves cursor left n% units.
        M[{+|-}]x%,y%    Moves cursor to point x%,y%. If x% is preceded
                         by + or -, moves relative to the current point.
        R[n%]            Moves cursor right n% units.
        U[n%]            Moves cursor up n% units.
        [B]              Optional prefix that moves cursor without drawing.
        [N]              Optional prefix that draws and returns cursor to
                         its original position.
      Color, rotation, and scale commands:
        An%              Rotates an object n% * 90 degrees (n% can be 0, 1,
                         2, or 3).
        Cn%              Sets the drawing color (n% is a color attribute).
        Pn1%,n2%         Sets the paint fill and border colors of an object
                         (n1% is the fill-color attribute, n2% is the
                         border-color attribute).
        Sn%              Determines the drawing scale by setting the length
                         of a unit of cursor movement. The default n% is 4,
                         which is equivalent to 1 pixel.
        TAn%             Turns an angle n% degrees (-360 through 360).
    ■ If you omit n% from line-drawing and cursor-movement commands, the
      cursor moves 1 unit.
    ■ To execute a DRAW command substring from a DRAW command string, use
      the "X" command:
      DRAW "X"+ VARPTR$(commandstring$)
    'This example requires a color graphics adapter.
    SCREEN 1
    Triangle$ = "F60 L120 E60"
    DRAW "C2 X" + VARPTR$(Triangle$)
    DRAW "BD30 P1,2 C3 M-30,-30"
            Color Attributes and Values    Differences from BASICA