qbasic.hlp (Topic list)
SCREEN Function
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Returns the ASCII value or color attribute of a character at a specified
screen location.
SCREEN (row%,column% [,colorflag%])
    ■ row%          The row coordinate of a character.
    ■ column%       The column coordinate of a character.
    ■ colorflag%    A value (0 or 1) that specifies what is returned.
                    Value             Returns
                    ══════════════    ════════════════════════════════
                    0 (or omitted)    The character's ASCII code.
                    1                 The character's color attribute.
    PRINT "Hello"
    PRINT "The ASCII value of character at 1,1 is"; SCREEN(1, 1)
See Also    POINT    SCREEN Statement
            ASCII Character Codes    Color Attributes and Values