qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Reducing Text-Only Programs
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     You can reduce, by about 8K or 10K, the executable-file size for a
     program that uses only the text-mode functions from GRAPHICS.LIB.
     To do so, link your program with NOGRAPH.OBJ. If you explicitly
     name GRAPHICS.LIB in the compile or link command, place it after
     NOGRAPH.OBJ on the command line. Use the /NOE option to avoid
     multiple symbol definitions. For example,
          qcl test.c nograph /link [ graphics.lib ] /NOE
     Your program built with NOGRAPH.OBJ cannot use graphics modes or
     graphics functions. It cannot try to change the palette. If the
     program tries to enter a graphics mode, _setvideomode will return
     an error.