qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C Header Files
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     Use the #include directive to instruct the compiler to "include"
     the contents of another file at this location in your source
          #include <stdio.h>     // Standard header file
     The ".H" files used in C programs are known as "header files."
     They contain function prototypes, definitions of constants needed
     by functions, structures used by the compiler, and other useful
     The header files contained in the Microsoft QuickC 2.5 package
     are listed below, with a brief description of their contents. Move
     your cursor to a file name of interest and press ENTER to look at
     the contents of the header file.
     File Name       Major Contents
     ASSERT.H        assert debugging macro
     BIOS.H          BIOS service functions
     CONIO.H         Console and port I/O routines
     CTYPE.H         Character classification
     DIRECT.H        Directory control
     DOS.H           MS-DOS interface functions
     ERRNO.H         errno variable definitions
     FCNTL.H         Flags used in open and sopen functions
     FLOAT.H         Constants needed by math functions
     GRAPH.H         Low-level graphics and font routines
     IO.H            File-handling and low-level I/O
     LIMITS.H        Ranges of integers and character types
     LOCALE.H        Localization functions
     MALLOC.H        Memory allocation functions
     MATH.H          Floating-point-math routines
     MEMORY.H        Buffer-manipulation routines
     PGCHART.H       Presentation graphics
     PROCESS.H       Process-control routines
     SEARCH.H        Searching and sorting functions
     SETJMP.H        setjmp and longjmp functions
     SHARE.H         Flags used in sopen
     SIGNAL.H        Constants used by signal function
     STDARG.H        Macros for variable-length argument-list functions
     STDDEF.H        Commonly used data types and values
     STDIO.H         Standard I/O header file
     STDLIB.H        Commonly used library functions
     STRING.H        String-manipulation functions
     TIME.H          General time functions
     VARARGS.H       Variable length argument-list functions
     SYS\LOCKING.H   Flags used by locking function
     SYS\STAT.H      File-status structures and functions
     SYS\TIMEB.H     time function
     SYS\TYPES.H     File-status and time types
     SYS\UTIME.H     utime function