qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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     The fgets function reads a string from the input <stream> and
     stores it in <string>. Characters are read from the current stream
     position up to and including the first newline character (\n),
     up to the end of the stream, or until the number of characters
     read is equal to <n>-1, whichever comes first.
     The characters read are stored in <string>, and a null character
     (\0) is appended. The newline character, if read, is included in
     the string.
     If <n> is equal to 1, <string> is empty (""). The fgets function
     is similar to the gets function; however, gets replaces the
     newline character with NULL.
     Return Value
     If successful, the fgets function returns <string>. It returns
     NULL to indicate either an error or end-of-file condition. Use
     feof or ferror to determine whether an error occurred.