qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Keyword:   _segment
  Syntax:    _segment declarator
  Summary:   Data type used to store a segment address.
  See also:  _based, _bfreeseg, _bheapseg, _bmalloc, _segname, _self
     The _segment data type is used to declare a based variable.
     For example, in the following declarations, the variable chp is a
          char *chp;
          int i;
          // Based on a pointer's segment
          char _based( (_segment)chp )*b_p;
          // Based on an address's segment
          double _based( (_segment)&i )*b_a;
     As an address, chp is cast to the type _segment, which becomes the
     base for b_p. Similarly, i is an integer whose address can be cast
     to a segment and used as a base for b_a.