qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Keyword:   _segname
  Syntax:    _segname ( "segment-name" )
  Summary:   Specifies the name of a segment.
  See also:  _based, _segment, _self
     One way to declare a based variable is to give it a segment
     constant as a base. Four segments are predefined in Microsoft C:
     Segment     Description
     _CODE       Default code segment
     _CONST      Constant segment for strings such as
                 "This is a constant string"
     _DATA       Default data segment
     _STACK      Stack segment
     The _segname keyword marks the name of a segment. It is always
     followed by parentheses and a string, as in the example below:
          // Compile in small model, DOS only
          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <malloc.h>
          char _based( _segname( "_CODE" ) )mystring[] =
              "Code-based string.\n";
          int _based( _segname( "_CODE" ) )ib = 12345;// Code-based integer
          void main()
             printf( "%Fs %d", (char _far *)mystring, ib );
     The variable <mystring> is declared as an array of characters
     based in the code segment. The variable <ib> is an integer (not a
     pointer) that is also based in the code segment.
     Note that the small model version of printf would treat <mystring>
     as a near pointer. The F in the format specifier %Fs forces the
     function to treat it as a far pointer and the cast to
     (char _far*) coerces the address to four bytes.
     You can also name your own segments. The declaration of <mystring>
     might look like this:
          char _based( _segname("MYSEGMENT") )mystr[] = "Based string";
     In the example above, the compiler creates a new segment called
     MYSEGMENT and places the string there.