qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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  Keyword:   _self
  Syntax:    _self
  Summary:   A base expression that names itself as a base.
  See also:  _based, _segment, _segname
     The _self keyword can be used to cast to a segment value, as in
     the example below:
          typedef struct tree TREE;
          struct tree
             int name;
             TREE _based( (_segment)_self )*left;
             TREE _based( (_segment)_self )*right;
          void main()
             TREE _based( _segname( "MYSEGMENT" ) )t1;
     Any based declarations that are based on _self must apply to
     pointers only. Ordinary data objects cannot be self-based.
     The example above declares a structure called tree and then
     declares t1 to be such a structure. The pointers within the
     structure are self-based, meaning that they will point within the
     segment in which the tree structure is located.