qcenv.hlp (Topic list)
Edit Program List (3 of 3)
Use the Edit Program List command to change the contents of
a program list.
A program list may contain the following types of files:
  ■ Include files (.H, .INC)
  ■ Source files (.C, .ASM)
  ■ Object files (.OBJ)
  ■ Library files (.LIB)
The Build Program and Rebuild All commands use the program
list to find out which files belong to the program.
Use the Program List dialog box to edit the program list.
The dialog box contains the elements shown below:
│File Name: ░░░░░░░░  ─── Text box                 │
│xxxxxxxxx  ───────────── Current drive/directory  │
│                                                   │
│File List   Drives/Dirs                            │
│░░░░░░░░░░  ░░░░░░░░░░░ ─ General file listing    │
│                                                   │
│Program List *.mak ─ Name of program list file    │
│                                                   │
│░░░░░░░░░░ ─Files in       <Add/Delete> -Action  │
│             program list   <Clear All>  ─to take │
To add a file to the program list, either
  ■ Type a file name in the text box, and press ENTER
  ■ Highlight a file name in the File List box, and
    select <Add/Delete>
To remove a file from the program list
  ■ Highlight the file name in the Program List box
  ■ Select <Add/Delete>
To remove all the files from the program list
  ■ Select <Clear All>