qcenv.hlp (Topic list)
Environment Command (2 of 2)
The Environment Command defines directories to search for
include files, libraries, and online help. The default for
each is an environment variable, or the current directory
if the environment variable is not defined.
Include Files Directory: ░░░░░░░░░░ ──INCLUDE variable
Library Files Directory: ░░░░░░░░░░ ──LIB variable
Help Files Directory:    ░░░░░░░░░░ ──PATH variable
To define the directories, type one or more path names
separated by a semicolon. Use the editing keys to change
existing text.
QuickC saves your settings in a QC.INI file in the
directory from which you invoked QuickC. When invoked,
QuickC uses the first QC.INI file it finds in your PATH.
The SETUP program places help files in the QuickC \BIN
directory, along with QC.EXE and other programs. This
directory must be on your PATH to get help.
TIP: Changing the search path with this command does not
     change the INCLUDE, LIB, or PATH environment variable.