qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
AS Clause (Different Uses)
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 AS Clause (Different Uses)
 ■ The AS clause performs actions as part of several statements:
   Action                    Statements
   ════════════════════════  ═══════════════════════════════════════════════
   Specifies variable type   COMMON, DECLARE, DEF FN, DIM, FUNCTION,
                             REDIM, SHARED, STATIC, and SUB statements
   Specifies element type    A user-defined data type in TYPE statement
   Assigns a file number     A file or device in the OPEN statement
   Specifies field name      FIELD statement
   Specifies new file name   NAME statement
 See: COMMON Statement     DECLARE Statement      DEF FN Statement
      DIM Statement        FIELD Statement        FUNCTION Statement
      NAME Statement       OPEN Statement         REDIM Statement
      SHARED Statement     STATIC Statement       SUB Statement
      TYPE Statement