qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
BYVAL Clause
  Summary             Example                Contents  Index  Back
 The BYVAL attribute in the parameter list portion of a DECLARE, SUB, or
 FUNCTION statement (or the argument list of a CALL[S] statement) to indicate
 the argument is passed by value rather than by reference (default). BYVAL
 cannot be used with a variable of a user-defined type.
    BYVAL variable [AS type]
    ■ variable   Name of the variable to pass as an argument; for array
                 variables, use the parentheses but omit the number of
    ■ type       Data type of the argument variable: INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE,
                 DOUBLE, CURRENCY, or STRING
 See Also
    CALL Statement (Basic Procedures)
    DECLARE Statement (Basic Procedures)
    FUNCTION Statement
    SUB Statement