qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
COLOR Statement
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Changes the default color of text output to the screen; not available when
 forms are showing. Use the BackColor and ForeColor properties with forms and
 controls. See: BackColor Property  ForeColor Property
 Use the COLOR syntax that matches the screen mode for which you are
 Syntax 1: Screen Mode 0 (Text Only)
    COLOR [foreground&] [,[background&] [,border&]]
 Syntax 2: Screen Mode 1
    COLOR [background&] [,palette%]
 Syntax 3: Screen Modes 4, 12, 13
    COLOR [foreground&]
 Syntax 4: Screen Modes 7, 8, 9, 10
    COLOR [foreground&] [,background&]
    ■ foreground&    Number that sets the foreground screen color; in screen
                     mode 0, a color attribute that sets text color; in other
                     screen modes, a color attribute or 4-bit color value
                     (screen mode 4 only) that sets the text and line-drawing
    ■ background&    Number that sets the background screen color; in screen
                     mode 0, a color attribute; in screen mode 1, a 4-bit
                     color value; in screen modes 7-10, a color value
    ■ border&        Color attribute that sets the screen border color
    ■ palette%       Number (0 or 1) specifying which of two sets of color
                     attributes to use:
                     Palette%    Attribute 1    Attribute 2    Attribute 3
                     ════════    ═══════════    ═══════════    ═════════════
                     0           Green          Red            Brown
                     1           Cyan           Magenta        Bright white
 See Also
    Color Attributes and Values (SCREEN)      Graphics Command Summary
    Screen Mode Summary