qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Reads input from the keyboard or a file (INPUT); reads a line of up to 255
 characters from the keyboard or a file (LINE INPUT); not available when
 forms are showing. Use the INPUTBOX$ function with forms.
 See: INPUTBOX$ Function
    [LINE] INPUT [;] ["prompt"{; | ,}] stringvariable$
    ■ ;                 Causes the cursor to remain on the same line after
                        the user presses Enter; if omitted, the cursor skips
                        to the next line
    ■ prompt            Optional literal string that is displayed before the
                        user enters data
    ■ ; | ,             ";" appends a question mark to the prompt; "," does
    ■ stringvariable$   Stores information entered from the keyboard or
                        read from a file
 See Also
    File I/O Commands                INKEY$ Function
    INPUT$ Function                  INPUT # Statement
    LINE INPUT # Statement           INPUTBOX$ Function
    LINE Statement