qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
                 ISAM available in Professional Edition only
 Cause the first matching record in an ISAM table to become the current
 record. For example, the record becomes current when the current-index
 column value is:
    • Equal to keyvalue (SEEKEQ)
    • Greater than or equal to keyvalue (SEEKGE)
    • Greater than the argument keyvalue (SEEKGT)
 Requires PROISAM.EXE or PROISAMD.EXE in the programming environment
    SEEKGT [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
    SEEKGE [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
    SEEKEQ [#]filenumber% ,keyvalue [,keyvalue]...
    ■ filenumber%    Number of open ISAM table (same number used
                     in OPEN statement)
    ■ keyvalue       Expression less than 256 characters long
 See Also
    CREATEINDEX Statement            DELETEINDEX Statement
    GETINDEX$ Function               ISAM Database Development
    MOVEFIRST Statement              MOVELAST Statement
    MOVENEXT Statement               MOVEPREVIOUS Statement
    OPEN Statement (File I/O)        PROISAM Command-Line Options
    PROISAMD Command-Line Options    SEEK Function
    SEEK Statement