qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Text Property
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Sets or returns the text contained in a text box or combo box, or the
 selected string in a list box; read-only at run time when used with a list
 box (or combo box if Style = 2); text can be changed by the user at run
    [form.]{combobox. | listbox. | textbox.}Text[ = stringexpression$]
    ■ stringexpression$      Text or selected item; at design time only,
                             defaults for this property are:
                             Control                  Default
                             ══════════════════════   ══════════════════════
                             Combo box or text box    CtlName
                             List box (or combo box   Empty string ("")
                             with Style = 2)
 Applies To
    Combo Box Control      List Box Control       Text Box Control
 See Also
    Caption Property       SelLength Property     SelStart Property
    SelText Property