qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
FT Command-Line Options
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 Translates binary forms (created in Visual Basic for Windows) to ASCII
 file format compatible with Visual Basic for MS-DOS; FT.EXE can also be
 used to translate forms created with the MS-DOS version to the file format
 compatible with Visual Basic for Windows.
    FT [/?] sourcefile destfile [listfile]
    ■ /?           Displays available command-line options
    ■ sourcefile   Binary form to translate; if sourcefile is Visual Basic
                   for MS-DOS form, destfile will be Visual Basic for Windows
                   form (and vice versa)
    ■ destfile     Target file for binary form translation; file type is
                   determined by sourcefile specification
    ■ listfile     Translation warning file; lists any translation problems
                   that are encountered
 See Also
    Command-Line Options