qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Random-Access File Variables
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 Random-Access File Variables
 ■ The following keywords are used in Visual Basic to define and perform
   random-access file variable procedures:
   CVC           Converts string to currency type value (FIELD)
   CVD           Converts string to double type value (FIELD)
   CVDMBF        Converts MBF strings to double-precision IEEE-format
   CVI           Converts string to integer type value (FIELD)
   CVL           Converts string to long type value (FIELD)
   CVS           Converts string to single type value (FIELD)
   CVSMBF        Converts MBF strings to single-precision IEEE-format
   FIELD         Allocates space for variables in a random-access buffer
   GET           Reads from a file into a random-access buffer or variable
   LSET          Moves data (left-justified) into a random-access file
   MKC$          Converts numeric currency type to a string value
   MKD$          Converts numeric double type to a string value
   MKDMBF$       Converts IEEE-format double type to 8-byte string MBF
   MKI$          Converts numeric integer type to a string value
   MKL$          Converts numeric long type to a string value
   MKS$          Converts numeric single type to a string value
   MKSMBF$       Converts IEEE-format single type to 4-byte string MBF
   PUT           Writes variable or random-access buffer to a file
   RSET          Moves data (right-justified) into a random-access file
   TYPE          Defines data type that contains one or more elements
 See: Keywords by Task