qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
IF TYPEOF Statement
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Allows conditional execution based on the evaluation of a Boolean
 expression and processing specific to a particular control type.
    IF {condition | TYPEOF ctlname IS controltype} THEN
    [ELSEIF TYPEOF ctlname IS controltype THEN
    END IF
    ■ condition         Any expression that can be evaluated as True
                        (nonzero) or False (zero)
    ■ ctlname           Any valid control name
    ■ controltype       One of the following valid control types:
                        CheckBox           ComboBox          CommandButton
                        Custom             DirListBox        DriveListBox
                        FileListBox        Frame             Label
                        HScrollBar         ListBox           Menu
                        OptionButton       PictureBox        TextBox
                        Timer              VScrollBar
    ■ statementblock-1  Any number of statements on any number of lines,
      ...               separated by colons (:)
 See Also
    IF...END IF Statement            Loops and Decision Structures
    SELECT CASE Statement