qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WIDTH Statement
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Assigns an output-line width to a device (such as a printer) or file, or
 changes the number of text lines and columns displayed on the screen. Use
 the Width property with objects. See: Width Property
    WIDTH {#filenumber% | device$}, width%
    WIDTH LPRINT width%
    WIDTH {screenwidth% | ,screenheight% | screenwidth%, screenheight%}
    ■ #filenumber%     Number specifying an open file or device
    ■ device$          One of the following device names: SCRN:, COM1:,
                       COM2:, LPT1:, LPT2:, or LPT3:
    ■ width%           For WIDTH, the width of the output line for the file
                       or device; for WIDTH LPRINT, an integer value between
                       1 and 255, inclusive; default value is 80
    ■ screenwidth%     Desired width in columns; screen display width must
                       be 40 or 80 columns; not available when forms are
    ■ screenheight%    Desired screen-display height; value can be 25, 30,
                       43, 50, or 60, depending on the available display
                       adapter and screen mode; not available when forms are
 See Also
    Device I/O Commands              LPRINT Statement
    PRINT Statement                  SCREEN Statement
    VIEW PRINT Statement             Width Property