qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Calls Window
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 Calls Window
 ■ The Calls window records all calls executed prior to:
         • An untrapped error
         • A breakpoint or watchpoint
         • Pressing Ctrl+Break
 ■ Procedures are displayed in the order called, with the most recent at the
 ■ While working in the Calls window, you can:
   • Display procedure text by selecting the procedure name (double click
     or highlight and press Enter). The procedure text will be displayed in
     the active code window. The cursor will be on the line following the call
     that led to the point where execution halted.
   • Restart execution from that point to the current cursor location by
     pressing F7.
 ■ Use the Debug window to look at variable values in the called procedures.
   See: Debug Window