qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Creating Controls at Design Time
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 Creating Controls at Design Time
 ■ Controls are created at design time using the Visual Basic Form Designer
   utility (FD.EXE). From the Form Designer, you can use the Tools window or
   the Tools menu to access the controls available. To get help on an
   individual control, place it on the form first, then select the control
   and press F1.
 ■ When you start the Form Designer, the Tools window (or Toolbox) is
   automatically displayed at the left of your screen.
   • To close the Tools window:
     Choose the Close command from the Toolbox's Control menu
   • To open the Tools window:
     Choose the Toolbox command from the Window menu
 ■ To create a control using the mouse:
     1. Double click the control name in the Toolbox
        The control will appear on the active form.
     2. Use the sizing handles to size the form
        To move the form, click on it and drag it to the desired location.
 ■ To draw a control using the mouse:
     1. Click on the control in the Toolbox
     2. Click the form to anchor the control and drag to desired size
        To move the form, click on it and drag it to the desired location.
 ■ To create a control using the keyboard:
     1. Move the focus to the Tools window by pressing F6
     2. Highlight the desired control and press Enter
        Use the up and down arrow keys. The control will appear on the
        active form.
     3. Use arrow keys to move or Shift+arrow keys to size the control
   Tip: Use the access keys on the Tools menu for quick keyboard access to
   the available controls. See: Tools Menu
 See: Toolbox Keys