qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Drawing a Control
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 Drawing a Control
 ■ A control is a graphical object you select, size, and place on a form.
   Controls can be selected from the Toolbox or the Tools menu. Each control
   has a set of events, properties, and methods that you can use to add
   functionality to your application.
 ■ To draw a control using the mouse:
   1. In the Toolbox (or Tools menu), select the control you want
      Pressing Enter when a control is highlighted creates a default-size
      control and places at the default location on the current form.
   2. Click and drag the form to place and size the control
 ■ There are two drawing shortcuts for controls. Either of the following
   actions cause a control to appear in the center of a form:
   • In the Toolbox, double-click the desired control
   • From the Tools menu, choose the control name
 ■ Option buttons always work as part of a group ─ selecting one button
   immediately clears all other buttons in the group. To create more than one
   option group, draw option buttons inside a frame or picture box.
   See: Creating a Control Array  Frame Control  Picture Box Control
 ■ Combo boxes can have an "edit area" in which the user can type, or a list
   box that either remains visible or drops down when clicked. Use the Style
   property to specify the type of combo box and the behavior of the list box
   portion of the control. See: Combo Box Control  Style Property
 ■ For details on the events, properties, and methods that pertain to each
   control, see Help for the individual control, or select from topics listed
   in the Controls Summary. See: Controls Summary