qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Form Design Keys
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 Form Design Keys
   To:                                             Press:
   ═════════════════════════════════════════       ═════════════════════════
   Modify an existing form                         Shift+F12
   Move the cursor into the Value box              F2 or number or letter
   Move selected form or control 1 character       Arrow keys
   Move selected form or control 5 spaces          Ctrl+Arrow keys
   Select form or control                          Tab or Shift+Tab
   Size selected form or control                   Shift+Arrow keys
 ■ When the Properties bar has the focus, Tab and Shift+Tab cycle forward
   and backward between the Property box and the Value box.
 ■ You must have a mouse to select multiple controls. To select multiple
   controls on a form, press Ctrl+LeftMouseClick.
 See Also
    Keyboard Guide